Back in the early zealous days of my study of historical tropical exotics, Beachcomber’s Rum Barrel was facinating to me by its balance and interesting equal measures. The main success of this interest I posted previously, as The Rongo Bowl. In 2009, I was part of a raucous group of cocktail bloggers who hung out in a chatroom on our online HQ, The Mixoloseum. We would do occasional contests and events and during the Zombie TDN where the prize was a custom mug by Cass McClure of Ocea Otica and Junkhauler Arts. My Zombie Colonel concotion won the votes that night and also the mug.
I revisited this recipe recently as it looks like a huge laundry list and I figured in the years of making and mixing drinks since, I could improve or ‘fix’ what might be broken. After making it again – it’s great. It’s a slam together of Jeff Berry’s versions of the Beachcomber’s Rum Barrel and the 1950’s Zombie (which is all we had at that time). So it stands. Lo: The Zombie Colonel.

The Zombie Colonel
1 Tbs. Brown Sugar
1 oz. lime juice
1 oz. white grapefruit juice
1 oz. lemon juice
1 oz. orange juice
1/2 oz. cinnamon syrup
1/2 oz. falernum
1/4 oz. vanilla syrup
1 oz. dark Jamaica rum
1 oz. Demerara rum
1 oz. Martinique rhum
1 oz. Santa Cruz rum
dashes bitters
8 drops Herbsaint
Flash blend with 6 ounces crushed ice and dump into Zombie Colonel mug. Add crushed ice to fill. Garnish: huge bouquet of spanked mint and green glowing led light cube.
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